YAO’s COVID-19 Update & Accomodations
YAO’s COVID-19 Accommodations
In the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak, YAO Herbal Apothecary, Clinic & Tea Market will make the following accommodations for clinical and pharmacy services. Beneath our line items of accommodations – we have included text that was in our email that went out to our patients. Please have a read.
When 40% of Chinese Medical Practices have decided to close in full, we stand at the fore-front ready to be here for you, your family, your loved ones, colleagues, friends, etc.
- HOURS – YAO will be open 10 am -3 pm Monday – Friday – Parking lot entrance will be the only door that is open. The door at Washington & Louisiana will be locked.
- At the 10 am hour Dr. Daniel will see only critical patients in person (one at a time). Please discuss your case (or email to – [email protected])with Pag
Wait list to come inside – 1 at a time
e. Page will work with Dr. D to determine critical as per state guidelines. Do not worry – he will not let you suffer needlessly. We do ask that if you normally come with a spouse, partner or other that you please come along during this time.
- From 11 am-3 pm Dr. Daniel will continue his normal consultations as virtual consults via Zoom or FaceTime depending on the patient’s preference/ability. Learn more HERE about Virtual Consults.
- New Formulas and Refills will be organized for pick up throughout the day when not attending to patients. Daniel will stay past 3 as required to be sure that formulas are filled.
- Patients may pick up formulas during these modified business hours OR we can leave the formulas outside for pick up as per usual.
- When you come into YAO, you will be asked to sanitize your hands. This will be provided.
- Only one patient will be upstairs at a time and only one customer will be allowed in the waiting/store area for assistance at one time. If someone is already in the store when you arrive, we will have you sign the waiting list (which will be located by the parking lot door) with your name and number and we will call you when we are ready to serve you. You may wait in your car or if the weather is good – enjoy a bit of sunshine. EVERYONE will be serviced! We will not turn you away. Please be patient and we will get to you. In between shoppers and patients, we are sanitizing areas that may have been touched by others for everyone’s safety.
- When in the store area, you will be asked to wait at a demarcated line that has been created on the floor to ensure that everyone stands 6 feet + apart AND we will not be swiping cards, but since only one person will be in the room at the time, we will have you read your card off so that we can manually enter it.
- Daniel and Page will both be wearing gloves, which may seem strange and impersonal, but again – this is for your protection.
- AND… we will be working to put some of our items online to create an easier online purchasing experience. However, until then, please use the formula refill drop down HERE. And fill out the section on Anything Else to Communicate with a list of the products you would like to purchase.

Line demarcating – safe distance to stand
We apologize for the lack of familial community that you may be used to. We ask that you relax around this and know that YAO is a place of strength and if you find that fear arises in seeing this modification, please breathe and know that we have your backs all around! We are here in the midst of the insanity to care for you and your loved ones.
Where many Chinese Medical practitioners are unable to learn about the formulas used in China, Daniel was hyper-aware of the situation happening in China and knew about the formulas weeks ago AND was researching them…applying them to our climate in Colorado and understanding what would be best both for preventive and support if you are COVID-19 positive. But not only did he come up with a custom formulas for these scenarios over all – he was able to acquire herbs before anyone could realize they might become back ordered. He says if anything, he may have slightly over- ordered (not by much). Additionally, this base formula is tailored to the individual. He has these custom formulas at the ready as well as stacks of patent herbs for your support as well as your loved ones, neighbors, family, friends etc.
But most importantly – Dr. Daniel wants you to know that he feels like America’s response to COVID-19 is way more realistic and real than China’s TOTAL shut down. He wants you to realize that our economy is a huge part of our health altogether.
“The economy is the larger body that we all live inside. Just like YAO is mindful of people’s financial resources and how that affects their health – Your financial
Fully Stocked! We’ve got you covered
health is as important as your physical well being. So allowing businesses to remain open in a responsible fashion is essential.”– Dr. Daniel
I would love to say that I will be able to get Dr. Daniel on some awesome webinars so that you can see him in your home and hear his voice and wisdom, but I have to tell you – the work has been excessive and getting a YES from him on that is not in the cards this week. But stay tuned…I’d like to see if we can get him to do some quick freebie things at home and possibly some fun and educational paid webinars as well!
We are sending our well wishes to you, your family, and loved ones and wishing that you may possibly thrive in the midst of CRAZY. Three quick recommendations to leave you with while you “shelter in place”. Consider these the YAO challenge.
- SLEEP – Go for it. Give yourself permission to sleep 8 hours every night for at least one full week – see what happens
- EAT WELL – Stay on your YAO regimen. This will keep your immune system strong and healthy ready to deal with any challenges that you may be exposed to.
- LOVE & CONNECT – If you are in with your family, make this a time to create moments of luxurious time together that you may NEVER get again. If you have housemates – create a sense of community by working out the details of how you will keep your “germ/bacteria microcosm” insulated – making sure everyone is on the same page. These conversations will quite possibly draw you together. If you are on your own – use the time for introspection as is appropriate and also reach out to others. Connect virtually- or have those old long phone calls from yester-year.
We’ll be in touch soon…
All our best –
Margaret Jacobson, MPA/HSA, Certified Wellness Coach – on behalf of
Dr. Daniel J. Hudson, LAC/DAOM & Page Cunningham
& YAO Herbal Apothecary, Clinic & Tea Market