Acupuncture & Surgery
Acupuncture Post Surgery could be one of the best decisions you make!
Hey YAO Family! It’s Marla, your Chinese Medicine Physician’s Assistant here to go over all the ins and outs of SURGERY and how YAO can be a big part of this piece of your medical care.
Prominence of Western Medicine
Western medicine is not only an important option, but is also extremely embraced by the majority of the American population as the dominant and accepted form of medicine. We absolutely recognize this fact here at YAO. I mean – let’s get real – a good chunk of the people that start coming to YAO are on some form of Western Medical pharmaceutical and are coming to us wanting what we term as an “exit plan”.
And…though many people are wanting to move away from using pharmaceuticals consistently (be it for financial reasons, concern for long term side-effects or even short term ones) there are also a ton of people who are mostly off of medications but maybe want to take the opportunity for having a beneficial surgery that will truly improve the quality of their life OR there are, of course, those who have had emergency surgeries that have taken a big toll on their body!
The question then becomes …
how do we improve surgical outcomes with the use of Chinese Medicine including both acupuncture and herbs?
Pre-surgical Preparation at YAO
One of the things that you often hear from Western Medical surgical professionals is- that the surgery you are going in for is “routine” or “easy” or “we do these all the time”. Honeslty, surgery IS big time! It can wreak havoc on your body physically, but also there are subtle things that happen energetically, emotionally, even spiritually. Preparing the body for this big endeavor is a big plus and can increase the speed of your recovery at an incredible rate. If you have the opportunity to come into YAO prior to surgery there are a TON of things that we can do to work with you. Dr. Daniel will be looking at:
- when is your surgery?
- what is going on for you right now?
- what are your Medical Doctor (MD)’s requirements – what herbs can you take that will be ok prior to surgery and which ones won’t?
- Strategic Game Plan Post Surgery – This will be when we schedule to have you call in (post-surgery) or if we don’t hear from you, when I or Dr. Daniel will reach out to see how everything is going…and when we will have you come back in for a post-surgical visit.
There is SOOOO much you can do when you work with our staff to prepare! You simply don’t want to miss out on the pre-surgery aspect.
Post-surgery Treatment at YAO
But what if you didn’t make it to YAO pre-surgery? Never fear – As the Chinese Medicine Physician’s Assistant, I have seen people come to Dr. Daniel for help with post-surgery recovery for knee replacement, hip replacement, c-section, and carpal tunnel, just to name a few of the types of post-surgery cases we see. It is truly mind-blowing to me to see how much faster a patient’s recovery is with Chinese Medicine including sometimes JUST acupuncture, sometimes JUST herbs and sometimes both!
How Does Acupuncture Help?
Surgery is a a type of trauma that the body must heal from and acupuncture is an excellent tool to help your body recover from trauma.
Acupuncture helps with:
- Decreasing swelling and inflammation, improve range of motion and mobility.
- Boosting the immune system
- Decreasing PAIN
- Increasing blood flow
- Bringing back sensation in surgically affected areas. (C-section and even breast augmentation and reduction -this can be truly miraculous for these women)
- Stress reduction so you can relax and sleep better, which decreases the time it takes to heal substantially
These are just a few ways acupuncture can help you recover after a surgery and GREAT reasons for you to book your appointment to come into YAO for surgical recovery!
Chinese Herbal Formulations:
Let’s definitely not underestimate the power of Chinese Herbal formulations as prepared by Dr. Daniel. He is incredibly gifted in knowing exactly what to administer and how. His formulas address the many aspects of a human that most of us Western minded folk would call: mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. He takes care of it all!
YAO Staff at the Ready!
And of course to give a little team cheer for our staff and myself – we are ALL here to support you. So when you are going in for something big planned or not, we are the people you want on your support team. We are checking in on you regularly, you are kept on close watch. All in all – we have truly got your back!
Booking at YAO
If your planning to have a surgery, schedule a consult so we can make a plan for your best recovery! And if you have already had a surgery, come on in, so we can help you recover!