Benefits of Jiao Gu Lan – The “Immortality Herb”
Ever feel like you just can’t make your brain work? You’re a bit foggy, can’t seem to get it together? I used to suffer this fate a few days a week and it was a pain. I would feel like it took at least twice as long to accomplish what I need to do because my mind was just not where I needed it to be. Daniel suggested I try Jiao Gu Lan, both the tea and the powdered herb from the pharmacy. Not long after, probably around 15 minutes and I could feel the brain fog lift!
Jiaogulan is known as the ‘immortality herb’ because the people of Guizhou in southwest China where tea made from the herb is consumed regularly have historically led longer lives than neighboring provinces. The Hunan Journal of Chinese Medicine states that administration of the herb three times daily for two months reduced fatigue, lack of energy, aversion to cold, poor memory, decreased balance, insomnia and excessive dreams.
YAO imports our organic Jiaogulan from Thailand, where it grows wild. You can use anywhere from five grams (a bit over a tsp.) to 12 grams of herb loose in pint glass, boiling water 200° (at altitude). The flavor is very strong at five grams which I don’t mind particularly, the coming into focus factor makes it well worth drinking. For a more pleasant drinking experience try the following recipe:
5g of Jiao Gu Lan
2.5 Hibiscus
2 Chrysanthemum
Steep in boiling water – 200°F at altitude . Agitate leaves throughout the glass….A chopstick works nicely! Leave loose in the glass or strain if you prefer. Add a little honey if you like to sweeten the deal and enjoy your newfound productivity! Steep to your heart’s content, I’ve gotten as many as three steepings.